Somnath's Story

We are thrilled to share an exciting update about Somnath Mondal, one of the children whose life has been transformed because of SEED (and because of you). This update is what it's all about - this is what we've all been hoping for!

 Somnath was born and brought up in a poor family from the Kalphar slum. His family struggled with financial crisis and malnourishment, which resulted in Somnath suffering from a major disease where water used to store in his chest area. 

Physically and emotionally, he became weak and thin due to the disease and the horrific abuse he received from his father, who was an alcoholic and used to beat him and his younger sister without any reason.

Somnath gave up - he stopped going to school after failing and started working as a food delivery boy in a restaurant. While there he made some really bad friends -  you know what they say, "bad company corrupts good morals."

 However, after being admitted to the Boys Dream Home in 2018, Somnath's life took a positive turn. 

He received love, care and guidance from the staff and teachers at the Dream Home. His chronic disease was treated; his physical health improved, mentally he became confident and socially he became more open.

 He regained his interest in education and even took a two-year course in Automobile and Engineering from the local college, which he recently completed with distinction!

 (We're not even to the best part yet!!) 

One of the goals Piyas, Jaiashree and the SEED staff have had is to raise up a generation that will carry the ministry of SEED long after they're gone. 


Somnath loves SEED. He understands the impact it has made in his life. And recently, he expressed his interest to be on staff.


So - are you ready for this? 


We are proud to announce that Somnath has been appointed as interim warden at the Boys Dream Home - this is a TRUE testament to his dedication and hard work.

He will help guide the younger boys in the program, be a part-time driver and help with other administrative duties, as needed. 

Somnath's journey from a childhood marked by poverty and neglect to becoming a valued member of our organization is a powerful example of the impact that you're making in the lives of these children! Thank you!