Posts tagged poverty
Women's Empowerment Program

The goal of SEED is to take people out of survival mode so they can begin to heal their communities from within. So, in addition to the children, SEED Society also does some significant work in helping the family unit by working with moms. 


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Samar's Story

He became healthier because he was receiving regular meals, and happier because he had a safe home and a bed to sleep in.  

Also - he got to get an education!  

After completing his board exams, Samar attended automobile engineering training and as of February 2023, he accepted a job at the Suzuki company after a job fair interview at his school!

 We are THRILLED at this news. This is just a testament to what can happen through the dedicated staff at SEED AND through gifts from supporters of Seed India.

Generational poverty ends with Samar!

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Monika's Story

Monika is 16-years-old and has lived in the Girls Dream Home since it first opened in October of 2016. Her mother is a cook and her father is a sweeper at a local eye hospital in Kolkata. Her father is also married to another woman, who he currently lives with, and does not provide any support to Monika’s mother and family…

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How do you pick which kids go to the Dream Homes?

One of the questions we are often asked is, “How do you pick which kids go to the Dream Homes?”

It’s not an easy question to answer, mostly because there are SO many kids that would benefit from living in the Dream Homes who deserve to be rescued out of the trauma and tragic living situation they are in. The best way to summarize the “how” is that SEED tries to rescue the worst case scenarios. The kids who are severely abused or the families that are in dangerous poverty.

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