Rinki's Story
Rinki was born in the Khalpar slum to a very poor family. She is the only child of her parents and has spent all of her young life being raised among the tin and tarp shanties in the slum. They struggle to afford food and even the most basic of resources. Rinki, even at the young age of 10, knows what her life in the slum will be if she stays. She’s also seen what life could look like in the Dream Home after watching a lot of her peers leave to live there. She already knows that’s what she wants, so our girl…she went to her parents and to SEED society to request to go live in the Dream Home.
Imagine, a 10-year-old already knowing this is what will help her future? I mean…you see that face, how could they say no? Her determination is even more fierce than that smile. Even when her parents fought her leaving, she stood up for herself and her future.
And now, at the Dream Home, she’s the happiest we’ve ever seen. Rinki’s determination and desire to have a different future will put her on a different path in life. Our prayer is that she continues to have this passion for the future.
We hope that through living at the Dream Home, through the opportunity to continue her education and live away from the abuse and poverty that surrounds her in the slum - she will be the first generation in her family to successfully get a good job, find a safe place to live and not be forced back into the slum.